Policy/Certificate Description


The following policy/certificate description is as approved in most states. Benefits and provisions may vary by state. For complete details of coverage, please contact Assurity or review the policy/certificate.


Group Accident Expense Policy (Form Nos. G H1708/G H1708C)

Group Accident Expense provides benefits for an insured person’s medical care resulting from a covered accident and preventive care through wellness benefits. Coverage is available as 24-hour or off-the-job only.


Eligible Persons:  Employee (primary insured person), spouse, insured children and dependent grandchildren


Insured child(ren) means the primary insured person’s or their spouse’s natural children, stepchildren, foster children, adopted children or children placed as foster children or for adoption, who are younger than age 26. Dependent grandchild(ren) means the primary insured person’s grandchild under 26 years of age, who is legally dependent on the primary insured person.


Issue Ages:  Employee and spouse 18+, children from birth through 25 years; age last birthday as of issue date


Renewability:  The group master policy is cancelable with 61 days’ notice; certificates under a master policy are annually renewable for life provided the master policy has not been cancelled and the certificate has not been terminated in accordance with any contract provision. The renewability of coverage under a certificate of an active master policy applies to only those insured persons listed on the certificate for whom coverage has not already terminated for any contractual or other reason and who continue to meet the definition of eligible persons insured. See Portability for continuation of coverage after termination of employment with the master policyholder.


Underwriting Classes:  Unisex and unismoke


Benefit Options:  24-hour and off-the-job only coverage


Benefit Amounts:  Based on plan selected – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 and Prime – as described in the Benefits section.


Rate Structure:  Premiums are level, unisex and unismoke; composite rate (no age bands) based on coverage (employee, employee and spouse, employee and children, family) and benefit amount.


Policy Fee:  None


Portability: Coverage may continue for all insured persons when employment ends with the policyholder or the employer’s policy terminates. A written request and first premium payment for the portable coverage must be received by Assurity within 90 days of the certificate termination date.