Authorized Paramedical Firms

Our authorized paramedical firms have the examination forms, containers and blood draw kits in stock.


For significant medical health histories or if the applicant has been declined previously, contact the new business contact center at (800) 869-0355, Ext. 4264, prior to scheduling an examination.


Paramedical firms authorized by Assurity are as follows:

American Paraprofessional Systems, Inc. (APPS)

(800) 967-1499

Examination Management Services (EMSI)

(800) 872-3674

Quest Diagnostics – ExamOne

(800) 873-8845

Hooper Holmes Portamedic National Service Center

(800) 765-1010


NOTE: To qualify for non-tobacco rates, the applicant must have not used any tobacco or nicotine-based products or substitutes for the last 12 months.