What are acceptable methods of payment? Assurity accepts payment for initial and renewal premiums using the following methods: automatic bank withdrawal, personal checks, money orders and cashier checks in amounts below $200 per month per policy, and cashier’s checks in amounts above $10,000. Credit/debit cards are accepted for initial and renewal payments when electronic applications are used. When paper applications are used, credit/debit cards are only accepted for renewal premiums. Please use one of these methods so that payment is credited to your policy in a timely manner.
How can premiums be paid by automatic bank withdrawal? Premiums may be deducted from the policyowner’s bank account by selecting this option on the application (including information provided on the Field Underwriter’s Statement) and by completing and returning an Automatic Premium Payment form. This form is available on AssureLINK or by contacting Customer Connections, as detailed in the About Assurity section. The same for may be used to change the bank account.
Automatic bank withdrawal premium payments may be drafted on any day between the 1st to the 28th of each month. If an automatic bank withdrawal payment is returned or declined, Assurity will notify the policyowner and send a copy of the notification to the agent. If a remittance is not received prior to the expiration of the grace period, lapse/non-forfeiture processing will be initiated.
How can premiums be paid by credit card? Assurity accepts credit and debit card payments for initial and recurring premium payments when electronic applications are used. We accept VISA, Master Card and Discover credit/debit cards. The credit/debit card payment option for initial payment is not available with paper applications. However, after a policy has been issued, the customer can change the payment method to recurring credit/debit card by contacting the Customer Connections, as detailed in the About Assurity section. Available dates for recurring payments are on any day between the 1st to the 28th of each month. Customers also have the option of paying the premium by automatic bank withdrawal.
How are subsequent premiums billed? For policies on direct billing, the original premium notice is mailed 20 days prior to the due date. If unpaid, a reminder notice is mailed five days after the due date.
When will coverage lapse if premiums are not paid? Premiums must be paid on or before the due date or during the 31-day grace period that follows the due date. The policy stays in force during this time. If a remittance is still not received at the end of the 31-day grace period, lapse/non-forfeiture processing will be initiated. The grace period does not apply if the insured requests termination of the policy.
How can a “list bill” be set up? Premiums may be billed to the policyowner’s place of employment in a “list bill” by selecting this option on the application (including information provided on the Field Underwriter’s Statement) and by having the employer complete an Authorization for List Bill Individual Sales. Available premium modes for list bill are monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. The initial premium must be remitted with the application. If you have any questions about setting up a list bill, contact Customer Connections, as detailed in the About Assurity section.
Can premiums be paid in advance? Premiums may be paid in advance of their due date in a Premium Deposit Fund which can be set up by contacting the Customer Connections, as detailed in the About Assurity section. Interest on this fund is credited annually on the anniversary date of the policy. The interest rate applied may change periodically.